Saturday, August 16, 2014

Misterious Illness in Tayrona National Park, Colombia

On August 14, 2014, over 200 people became sick in Colombia's tayrona national park after breathing of what seemed to be an airborne substance. On the next lines, I will narrate my experience about it.

In August of 2014 we came to spend a week in Colombia's Tyrona National Park.  We had had a fabulous week. Then on the night of August 14, around 7 PM, while we were having dinner, everyone at the restaurant (around 60 people) started sneezing and coughing, it was like someone had pepper sprayed the whole area. Whatever we were feeling it was definitely airborne. So people started to leave the restaurant.

I went back to my tent to sleep, however the itchiness,  sneezing and coughing continued. I also noticed that a lot of people around the camp were coughing and having respiratory problems.

Around 3AM I woke up with a very high fever, my girlfriend also had very high fever. We felt very cold and we had the chills. At this point I started to feel really worried because we started to suspect foul play.

I got very little sleep throughout the night and when I woke up, It felt as if I had woken up after the zombie apocalypse. More than 200 people throughout the camp and workers also had had the same horrible symptoms the night before. Some had also developed vomiting and diarrea.

I asked the camp workers if the had gotten sick and they said yes, then they told me that this happened before just a month before on July 15th. I also asked the workers from the next camp "Arrecife",  which is about 2 miles away, and they said that they had not felt any symptoms.

Most people left the camp that morning and some stayed and tried to recuperate. By the afternoon we felt a lot better so left to Taganga, to our surprise, on the night of August 15th, all 6 of us that had been in the camp fell sick again, we developed heavy vomiting,  diarrea and muscle pains.

I am writing this as of the morning of August 16th. So the symptoms might keep on developing.

While there is a chance that this might have been caused by natural fenomena, it is very strange that all 200 or more people  throughout the camp felt exactly the same symptoms really quickly.

I also suspect that this could have also been a deliberate action of some goverment or entity that released a chemical substance.

 If you were there that day, please write a comment below and give me your experience and point of view.

Thanks, Rafa

Related search terms: sickness in tayrona, sick in cabo San Juan Colombia. Vomiting, diarrea, fever, stomach sickness, sneezing.


  1. I was just there, and this happened to at least half the people staying at cabo san juan on September 1, 2015 (including myself). Did you ever get more information on what it was?

  2. Hi Rachel, I still do not know what it was but it was extremely strong and scary. I decided write the article because maybe by spreading the knowledge we can bring attention to it and start tracking it. It seemed to have happened around the same time last year. I hope you feel better.
