Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How to deal with moments of doubt

Unavoidably there is days and moments where self-doubt invades our minds. Despair can be a huge enemy into pushing our work forward, it holds us back. How do we deal with it? How do we get over it?

I think taking small chunks at the time can greatly minimize this feeling of despair. Lets focus on getting through today, though the next hour, to the next minute.

Regardless of how bad you feel about your situation, you need to remember that you are not alone. Everyone feels like this at some point or another. Challenges are part of living an exciting life.

You need to think: what's the worst that can happen? and so what if it happens? Confront your fear and it will all disappear.

At this moment we are very close to launching our jet charter site. I guess there is that fear of rejection, that fear to fail. However I know that I have to walk across and face this fear if I want to succeed.

Remember that every difficulty is an opportunity to grow.

So get outer and get excited, find your inspiration and face the sun again. Life is an absolute miracle!

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